Arriva bus strike announced

Yesterday, Arriva North East drivers announced their intention to pursue strike action from 16 December to 22 December.

Although talks will take place between now and the date of the strike, we are aware that many residents in our area use Arriva buses (particularly the 64, 22 and 24) to go both to work and in to the city.

If you use / rely on these Arriva buses, I recommend making alternative plans NOW (be that allowing extra time to walk to work or your session, or arranging to car-share with a neighbour), so that should these strikes go ahead, you’re not caught out.

Additionally, I expect the traffic level on major roads to increase due to this strike action, especially during peak periods.  Please also allow extra time for your journey.

Should any further updates be made available, I will cross-publish them here.

Regular Sessions 2018 – 2019

Due to a higher than normal demand for sessions, Richard no longer has any vacancies for sessions in the 2018-19 academic year.

Regular sessions remain available with Vicky Bending, email for further details.

Exam season workshops, and spring and Easter revision classes are still available, and will be announced in due course.

Results Day

With two hours to go until results day, this is just a quick message to wish everyone getting their results all the best – and to remember that, whatever the outcome, you will achieve every success in life, so don’t worry too much!

Don’t forget to let us know how you get on, or if you have any questions which you want to discuss!

New Privacy Policy for GDPR

As you may be aware, the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) come into effect on 25 May 2018.
As a result of these regulations, Mallard Days has updated its Privacy Policy, which now contains a lot more information regarding how we store and process the data of our clients.
All clients (existing and future) will need to be given the opportunity to opt-in to this privacy policy, which will be done between now and the 25 May.
To read the full text of our new Privacy Policy, please visit