Lumiere 2017

Sherburn Road, Sunderland Road and the end of The Moorlands have been denoted as “tow-away” zones, with no parking for Lumiere.  If you are visiting Mallard Days in Gilesgate, please park in the driveway and not on the road, otherwise your vehicle may be towed.
UPDATE: 18 November 2017: 7.49am It’s the last working day of Lumiere today.  So far, thanks to time table adjustments, all sessions have started within 15 minutes of their booked time.  Many thanks once again for your co-operation.
As you may be aware, Durham County Council will be holding its 5th biennial light festival, Lumiere, between 16 – 19 November 2017.
Due to the festival, there are a number of road closures and diversions in place.  Additionally, a large amount of traffic is expected in Durham, increasing levels of congestion and journey times.
Mallard Days has decided to be pro-active and adjust its schedule in order to minimise the effects of Lumiere.  These changes are noted below.
Session changes
Saturday 18 November
This is the busiest day of Lumiere.  Although road closures do not start until 2pm, the mixture of festival traffic with shoppers is likely to create delays from around 8am.  Sessions have been restricted to the morning only. Please check your messages from 10to8 for details of these times.  No additional bookings will be accepted on this date.
Mallard Days Short notice updates
Be sure to follow us on Facebook at for short notice updates!
Twitter Updates
Durham Council will be using #LumiereDurham to give the latest info about Lumiere.  The latest five tweets on this hashtag are shown below.
Mallard Days accepts no responsibility for the content of these tweets!
[custom-twitter-feeds hashtag=”LumiereDurham”]
Milburngate Bridge Road Closures
The graphic below, from Durham County Council, shows the road closures on Milburngate Bridge.

City Centre Road Closures
The graphic below, from Durham County Council, shows the City Centre Road Closures.


It’s almost time…

We’re fast approaching the start of the main exam season, as I’m sure you’re aware.
Firstly, a big good luck to everyone with exams in the next few weeks.
The final cut of revision sessions has now been made.  Please remember to bring with you all the stationery you’d bring to your exam, and a pad of paper.  We will be starting on time, so please try to arrive slightly before the published start time, especially if you have never been to the venue before. If you’re not currently attending, but change your mind closer to the exams, they can still be booked via  
Finally, those of you who will be having sessions in June, July and onward will shortly be receiving an email from me regarding booking and paying for sessions over the summer.
See you all soon,

Revision Classes update

Many thanks to all of you who have booked revision classes this summer.  Following the advance booking period, the programme has been reduced to the following classes, all of which have at least one current attendee.

Week 1 (1 – 7 May)
No sessions

Week 2 (8 – 14 May)
Saturday 13 May 11am – 1pm: AS Maths – Pure Core 1, session 1

Week 3 (15 – 21 May)
Monday 15 May 5pm – 7pm: AS Maths – Pure Core 1, session 2
Saturday 20 May 11am -1pm: AS Maths – Pure Core 2, session 1
Saturday 20 May 1.30pm -3.30pm: GCSE Science – Physics, session 1
Sunday 21 May 11am – 1pm: GCSE Maths Non-calculator, session 1

Week 4 (22 – 28 May)
Monday 22 May 7pm – 9pm: AS Maths – Pure Core 2, session 2

Week 5 (29 May – 4 June)
Saturday 3 June 4.00pm – 6pm: AS Maths – Statistics, session 1
Sunday 4 June 11am – 1pm: GCSE Maths calculator, session 1

Week 6 (5 – 11 June)
Monday 5 June 5pm – 7pm: AS Maths – Statistics, session 2
Friday 9 June 5pm – 7pm – GCSE Maths calculator, session 3
Sunday 11 June 11am – 1pm: A-level Physics, session 1
Sunday 11 June 1.30pm-3.30pm GCSE Maths calculator, session 4

Week 7 (12 – 18 June)
Tuesday 13 June 5pm – 7pm: A-level Physics, session 2
Wednesday 14 June 5pm – 7pm:  GCSE Additional Science and Separate Science – Physics, session 2
Saturday 17 June 11am – 1pm: A-level Physics, session 3

Week 8 (19 – 25 June)
Monday 19 June: 5pm – 7pm: A-level Physics, session 4
Saturday 24 June 11am – 1pm: A-level Physics, session 5

Week 9 (26 June – 2 July)
Monday 26 June 5pm – 7pm: A-level Physics, session 6

In less than one month, on 22 April, those sessions with only one person subscribed will switch back to being one-to-one sessions.
If you would like to attend a session, and have not already booked:
Visit and book as soon as you can!  Please note that the “early bird” discount window has now closed.
Reminder: flexed dates
Keep monitoring the Availability page to check if any date changes affect your regular sessions!