It’s booking week!

For those of you who have regular sessions, booking for sessions in November will happen in the next week. Please remember to make sure that your bookings are in the diary at your next session.
Booking for future months opens as follows:

December 2017: 14 November
January 2018: 12 December
Summer workshops 2018: 3 January
February 2018: 16 January
March 2018: 13 February
April 2018: 13 March

Those of you who book irregular sessions, or want additional sessions, please check my availability page about a week after the above dates to see what sessions are available.

Durham University “Saturday Morning Physics”

Durham University’s Physics Department are hosting a series of workshops on Saturday Mornings. These are targeted at a general audience, and are especially good for A-level students.
The upcoming sessions are:
14 October: Dr David Cerdeno: Dark matter on the rocks
4 November: Fabrizio Caola: Finding Higgs
11 November: Prof. Chris Done: Black holes: science fact, fiction or fantasy?
18 November: Prof. Charles Adams: The mystery and mastery of photons
25 November: Prof. Andy Monkman: The molecular television
2 December: Prof. John Girkin: Finding Nemo’s heart
9 December: Dr. Pete Edwards: Einstein, Einstein, give us a wave!
For more info, please click here to find out more information.

Welcome to the 2017-18 Academic Year

Welcome to the 2017-18 academic year!
We are now 8 months away from the start exams next May (sounds quite a while, but it really isn’t!), so it’s time to start working hard again and prepare ourselves for the next year.  All our current students have now been timetabled, and so bookings are now open for new students in the limited slots we have left.  Please see the availability page if you wish to check what is available.
Building on past success
The last academic year bought a lot of success for our students, in particular those sitting GCSEs.  Two of notable mention scored extremely high marks – much above their school predicted grades (in one case 3 whole grades above!).  Hopefully this trend can continue into future years.
As always, don’t hesitate to get in touch if you wish to make a booking for tuition, revision questions or if you have any questions or queries: you can find our details on the Contact Details page.