Prototype Anki flashcards for download

Over the past few months, Richard has been developing a comprehensive set of flashcards to assist with revision for AS and A-level Physics.
The full prototype of these cards is now available for download for existing clients via the Mallard Days Portal.  In order to view the cards, you will need to download and install the Anki app, which can be found either on the Portal, or via
The Anki website also contains full instructions, and also companion apps for Android (free) and iPhone (paid), however in either case you need to use the Desktop app to load the cards first.
If you do not have a Portal account, and would like to access the revision cards, please speak to your tutor, who will be able to set you up with an account.

Stephen Hawking, 1942 – 2018

Today, the science world is mourning the death of one of the most significant physicists of modern times.
There are many biographies and obituaries being published today, for example, from the University of Cambridge, where Hawking was Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, so please go to them if you wish to find out more information about his life and work.
I would simply like to share this quotation, to hopefully inspire you all.

GCSE Maths: 100 days

There are just 100 days to go until the first GCSE Maths exam this year – but there’s no need to panic.
Whatever stage your studies are at, regular practice will help sharpen your skills ready for the big day.
Diagnostic questions online stream
In order to help you prepare, have set up an online question stream, giving you access to a couple of multiple choice questions each and every day, in order to prepare fort your exams.  They will give you continuous practice with maths skills in order to keep them sharp in preparation for your exams.
To access the stream, you will need to download the Diagnostic Questions mobile app, and register with it:

Once you have registered, you will need to input a “class code”.  The class code for Mallard Days Educational Services (Higher tier) is:


If you’ve already registered, simply open the app, and the first question will appear in front of you!
Revision workshops
As in previous years, there’s not long left to book your place at our highly recommended Revision Workshops – early bird booking closes on Saturday, 3 March, so make sure that you have signed up by then to take advantage of the lowest possible prices.  For more information about the workshops, visit the news announcement, and to book visit our booking page.
We look forward to seeing you soon!