As you may or may not be aware, there are currently roadworks taking place on Gilesgate Roundabout and Leazes Bowl Roundabout in Durham City. This is currently adding around 20 minutes to journey times (in each direction) during the day.
Further, for the next three weeks, the road between the two roundabouts will be closed in both directions between 7pm and 6am, which will affect those students in later slots.
These delays mean that it is very likely that sessions will run late in the next few weeks, which is unfortunately outside my control. Please be assured that sessions will take place in the scheduled order, and should I be running more than 30 minutes late, I will endeavour to send a message to you indicating this.
Author: Richard Hornby
Summer 2016 dates announced
Richard will offer tuition on the following days during Summer 2016:
15 July
w/c 18 July (Monday-Friday, sessions spaced in clusters throughout week)
25 and 27 July
3 and 4 August
8 and 9 August
18 and 19 August
23 and 24 August
A full timetable (Tuesday – Saturday) will restart on Tuesday 20 September 2016.
Sessions with Vicky are yet to be announced.
To book these sessions, please contact Richard directly, or by using the contact form on this website.
Revision and Study Skills Sessions
Throughout May and June, Mallard Days Educational Services will be running Revision and Study Skills sessions to provide final preparations for your exams.
The exact format of each session will vary depending on the participants, however they will all be in the Durham area.
Sign up now!
To sign up, please visit, and fill in the form.
Warning: there is likely to be a large amount of traffic disruption in the Gilesgate area over the coming weeks.
Gilesgate roundabout is having traffic lights installed, which means that traffic is likely to be disrupted in the Durham area. This is likely to include, but not be limited to, the following:
Gilesgate Bank will be closed ALL DAY on Sundays
The A690 will be operating with one lane in each direction and a “merge in turn” between 9am and 3pm every weekday – the last time this happened, Gilesgate queued up to beyond B&Q, and the jam for the A690 ended up in Neville’s Cross!
allow extra time for your journeys, and, if needed follow the following diversions to cross Durham:
SOUTH: A167, Potter’s Bank, Stockton Road, Mill Lane, A181
NORTH: Chester Low Road, Cocken Road, Pithouse Lane, Station Road, A690
Remember that for a “merge in turn”, you drive all the way to the cones closing your lane and then enter the next available space – lots of people seem not to know how to do this!
Keep an eye on Mallard Days Facebook page – – for latest updates to start and finish times for sessions.
Monitor or follow #gilesgate for the latest travel info.
Update 26 / 01 / 2016: Currently, the works are being conducted to minimize traffic disruption. Please ensure that you check delays on your route before you travel via the websites above.