Updated 25 October 2016, 5pm
Following the completion of Leazes Bowl roundabout and traffic lights in Durham, the following additional roadworks are to take place, which are likely to affect sessions, especially those in the early evening:
Please note that many of these closures use the A167 and A690 through Durham as diversionary routes, which can cause extra traffic on these routes.
8-11 November: Junction 61 (Bowburn) to Junction 60 (Bradbury): Southbound road closure (8:00pm – 6:00am)
11 November – 12 November: Junction 63 (Blind Lane) to Junction 61 (Bowburn): Road closure southbound (8:00pm – 6:00am)
14 November – 17 November: Junction 61 (Bowburn) to Junction 63 (Blind Lane): Road closure northbound (8:00pm – 6:00am)
5 December – 7 December: Junction 61 (Bowburn) to Junction 63 (Blind Lane): Road closure northbound (8:00pm – 6:00am)
A167 and A690
23 – 30 October: Lane closures as needed for grass cutting and cycleway construction.
13 November – 22 January: One way closure (weekends only) for railway works.
City Centre
13 and 20 November, 2 – 4 December: full closure due to events.
Whinney Hill
23 October – 26 October: closed 7pm – 6am both directions