As a complementary education provider, Mallard Days has developed direct partnerships with local schools to support them and their students. Working in liaison with their existing teachers, we develop personalised study programmes with students, both individually and in small groups, to enable them to access their full potential.
There are many reasons why a school might need to engage with a complementary provider: perhaps one or a number of students have fallen behind in their studies due to absence, or maybe a weakness has been identified among a whole class and there simply isn’t enough class time available for this to be addressed and still complete the curriculum prior to exams. Whatever the reason, we’re able to put together a support package tailored to your students’ needs and your budget.
We are also able to provide targeted catchup support to students in your school.
To find out more about what we offer, or to arrange an initial consultation, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly via schools@mallard-days.com.