Southmoor Maths Resit students

Work for week including 31 January

Theme: Ratio, estimation and rounding

Don’t forget your 5-a-day maths questions!
Groups 1 and 2: Click here
Group 3: Click here

Revision on Ratio

Watch the videos, and then answer the questions below. You can click the videos to make them full screen!

These worksheets contain a lot of questions – try to focus on accuracy rather than simply “getting them done”;

A: Simplifying ratio

B: sharing the total

C: given one value


This should be a relatively quick topic to review – see the videos below…

Rounding underpins a lot of maths that we do, so we’ll be using it quite a lot. No worksheets on this – think of it as a bit of a recap. You’ll be seeing more of it in your diagnostic questions!


This is another important topic – remember that estimates should be SENSIBLE!

Finally, here are some questions on estimating… remember, we don’t need an accurate answer, just an estimate…

And we’re done! Quite a lot of Maths content this week, hopefully you’ve been able to get some of it done, and that it makes sense to you. Remember that if you have any worries, you can find me by email on – and don’t forget to do your DIAGNOSTIC QUESTIONS for this week *hint hint*!